CI/CD with Github Actions

Github Actions is a Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) platform. CI/CD is essentially an automation of the standard software development lifecycle. Rather than having to manually perform tasks like linting, formatting, and deployment, CI/CD platforms automate the process and allow you, as the developer, to focus on developing meaningful products, rather than worrying about fulfilling a checklist of actions.

You can use Github Actions to build a continuous integration and continuous delivery/deployment pipeline.

Every repo can have many workflows in the .github/workflows directory. You need to create the directory at the root folder. Each workflow is a .yml file using the YAML syntax. Each workflow can have a set of Jobs which itself has a set of steps. Each step is a single 'command' that is ran in order and depends on the step before it.

Official Github Actions documentation:

Why use CD?

Once the pipeline is set up properly, you can easily deploy your code to production automatically, saving a step in the development process.


Here are a few examples of Github Actions:

A curated list of awesome things related to GitHub Actions:

Last updated