
Strings, as mentioned before are any ordered set of characters enclosed in quotation marks.

let str = "hello world";
let spaceship = "artemis";
let strongPassword = "c<Db39)(-2?^#_=11MD.{[a"; // not my password
let emoji = "🦾🦵"; // yes this is valid, try it


To access a particular character in a string at a particular position, there are 3 ways:

  • Square bracket indexes ([])

  • The charAt method

  • The at method

Strings are 0-indexed, so the first character in a string is considered index 0 and the last character is considered index str.length - 1

Let's create a string, and use the 3 methods to compare outputs with different cases:

let name = "dino";

Square brackets

Usage: str[i] where str is the string and i is a nonnegative integer

name[0]; // returns "d"
name[3]; // returns "o"
// Testing with other indices:
name[]; // no input - Uncaught SyntaxError: expected expression, got ']'
name[-2]; // negative number - returns undefined
name[2.7]; // decimal value - returns undefined
name[32]; // index out of range - returns undefined

We can see from the above that passing in any value for i that is not a nonnegative integer less than the length of the string results in undefined.

The charAt method

Usage: str.charAt(i) where str is the string i is a number

name.charAt(0); // returns "d"
name.charAt(3); // returns "o"
// Testing with other indices:
name.charAt(); // no input - returns "d"
name.charAt(-2); // negative number - returns "d"
name.charAt(2.7); // decimal value - returns "n"
name.charAt(32); // index out of range - returns ""

We can see from the above that:

  1. passing in a negative value for i returns the first character in the string

  2. passing in a decimal value for i returns the index at position floor(i)

  3. passing in a value greater than the length for i returns an empty string ""

The at method

Usage: where str is the string i is a number; // returns "d"; // returns "o"
// Testing with other indices:; // no input - returns "d"; // negative number - returns "n"; // decimal value - returns "n"; // index out of range - returns ""

We can see from the above that the at method behaves similarly to the charAt method except for negative indices. In this case, an index of -1 corresponds to the last character in a string, and every negative number after that is counting backwards. Thus an index of -2 is the second-to-last character in the string, -3 is the third-to-last character, and so on.

Try passing a negative index that is beyond the valid range for negative indices (like for the above example). What happens?

String methods

Strings are provided with a whole host of functions that can operate on strings. These functions are called string methods, and W3Schools has a an extensive list of these functions. For now, we'll look at a few in detail, and how they work.

We've already seen 2 string methods that help to get a character in the string at a particular position: charAt and at.

Let's look at some string formatting methods.

Converting cases

To convert a string to all uppercase, we have the toUpperCase method. You can probably guess from this that the method to convert a string to all lowercase is toLowerCase.

let name = "Dino";
let nameUpper = name.toUpperCase();
let nameLower = name.toLowerCase();
nameUpper; // "DINO"
nameLower; // "dino"
name; // "Dino"

Note that the value of name has not changed after applying the string methods to it. This is because strings are immutable, so the methods just create new strings.

Getting subsections

To get a subsection of a string, called a substring, there are a few methods.

let name = "rocket sloth";


The first is the slice method. This takes in two arguments, a start and end, and returns the characters in the string from the start index to just before the end index:

name.slice(0, 3); // "roc"
name.slice(4, 10); // "et slo"

Ommitting the end value will return all the characters from the start to the end of the string:

name.slice(3); // "ket sloth"

If the end value is greater than or equal to the start value, an empty string is returned:

name.slice(10, 3); // ""

If only one argument k is passed in, and the argument is negative, then the last |k| characters are returned:

name.slice(-5); // "sloth"


The next is the substr method. This takes in two arguments, a start and length, and returns the first length characters from the start index inclusive.

name.substr(0, 3); // "roc"
name.substr(4, 10); // "et sloth"

Ommitting the length value will return all the characters from the start to the end of the string:

name.substr(3); // "ket sloth"

If the start is negative, then the characters are counted backwards:

name.substr(-3, 5); // "t slo"


The last method is the substring method. This works like the slice method but with one change. If end is greater than start, then the two are swapped:

name.slice(4, 10); // "et slo"
name.substring(4, 10); // "et slo"
name.slice(10, 4); // ""
name.substring(10, 4); // "et slo"

Checking for substrings

There are a few methods to help check if one string is a substring of another. These are includes, startsWith and endsWith. They are case-sensitive and their names are pretty self-explanatory.

let name = "Rocket Sloth";
name.startsWith("Rock"); // true
name.startsWith("rock"); // false
name.endsWith("th"); // true
name.includes(" "); // true
name.includes(""); // true
name.includes("hijse"); // false

String templating

Let's say we want a simple program that will add two numbers and output their sum in the form "x + y = sum".

let x = 10;
let y = 5;

Method 1:

console.log(x, "+", y, "=", (x + y));

Passing in multiple arguments console.log causes them to be joined into one string with each argument separated by a space. However this method can only be used when a function is able to take in multiple arguments and knows to concatenate them into a string, like console.log. The same code will not work with alert (see below).

Method 2: String concatenation

console.log(x + " + " + y + " = " + (x + y));

As you hopefully recall, the + operator when applied to two strings (or to a number and a string) performs string concatenation. This results in a single string being passed in to the function to print out. The advantage of this is that string concatenation results in a string value being formed, so it can be passed in to any function, and can be assigned to a variable/constant as needed. However, if I was not careful and omitted the brackets around x + y at the end, I would run into a problem (see below).

Method 3: String templating

This method works similarly to string concatenation, but when substituting multiple values into a string it looks more clean and is easier to read. To form a string template, wrap the string in backticks (``) instead of quotes. Then, at the positions of the variables, use curly braces and the $ sign before the braces, and place the variable/expression between the braces. See below:

console.log(`${x} + ${y} = ${x + y}`);

While this has the same effect as before, it looks a lot cleaner and its clearer to anyone reading the code as to what is going on. There is also less chance of operations getting confused.

Next steps

Next, we'll look at arrays and some useful array methods.

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